A list of required tests for Dr.

Once you have decided on a doctor in Canada, you will need to prepare a list of necessary tests for him/her:

What the doctor will need

  1. Bring your own
    1. Analyses
      1. Ultrasound: 8-10 weeks gestation; (FTS) 12-14 weeks gestation;
      2. (anatomy ultrasound) 18-22 weeks of gestation; 
      3. Blood tests (12-16 weeks of pregnancy):
        1. Hemoglobin (HB) 
        2. Platelets (PLT) 
        3. Blood type 
        4. Rubella
        5. Hepotites B (HBsAg) VDRL
        6. HIV
        7. TSH
        8. STDs (CC+Chlamydia)
      4. Urine
      5. Pop test (cervical cytology);
      6. NIPT (panorama);
      7. FTS (First trimester screening)
    2. General medical records (or report from a physician);
    3. List of medications used (vitamins, hormone pills);
    4. IVF or natural pregnancy
  2. Take the test when you arrive, with a doctor's referral
    1. Ultrasound at 37 weeks.
    2. Blood test

Advice from a doctor before arrival

  1. Take a course of aspirin for mom and dad-to-be;
  2. On the airplane, try to walk more, to avoid thrombosis and leg swelling;
  3. If possible, purchase compression tights for the mom-to-be.
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