What is the best time to apply for a visa to Canada?

If you are pregnant and planning to give birth in Canada, it is better to prepare for the process in advance and write to us as early as possible.
If you do not have a visa to Canada - you will need to fill out our application form https://canadamama.ca/lead/Our lawyers will be able to assess your chances of obtaining a visa, as well as provide you with a list of necessary documents to submit.
We always advise our clients to fly in at 32-35 weeks of pregnancy. At these terms there are never any unnecessary questions at the airport.
Unfortunately, there are delays in visa processing - for this reason, it is best to contact us 4 months before the birth. This way you will have peace of mind that you will be able to get your visa, find accommodation and arrive on time.

Do not delay this process, in 2023, 21% families were unable to travel to Canada for childbirth because they could not get a visa in time.
Thank you to our valued clients for trusting and choosing Canada Mama Consulting!
A dream birth is just around the corner - contact us for a free consultation

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