Beauty Childbirth

Beauty Childbirth

More and more women are opting for a cesarean section not for medical reasons, but "on demand". It really makes sense: no pain and no unpleasant consequences of the baby's passage through the birth canal.

And also - thanks to a Caesarean section today it is possible to become a mother and at the same time get a better figure than before pregnancy. This is thanks to the service of the so-called "beauty birth," which has already become widespread in Europe and Canada.

The essence of the method is as follows: immediately after the C-section, when the baby is taken to be weighed, the doctor performs liposuction and removes fat and excess skin from the abdomen. It takes an extra forty minutes to do it all.

As a rule, patients recover from a cesarean section in 3-4 days, maximum 5 days.

On the third day, they usually go home from the hospital.

Approximately the same rhythm is observed with the combination of the two surgeries. Sometimes the patient is delayed
in the hospital for one extra day.

Practically everything depends on the individual surgery. But, in general, we are very optimistic about a boudoir with the right patient and surgeon.

The advantages are obvious: one anesthesia, one suture, one surgery and one rehabilitation period for two surgeries. Plus you don't have to lose weight. And one more thing: unsightly scars that remain after a C-section surgery should not bother you anymore - their quality and aesthetics are monitored during childbirth by a plastic surgeon.

Becoming a mom and getting a better figure than before you gave birth is possible with Canada Mama Consulting

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