Giving birth in Canada. How does it go?

  1. We conclude a contract, prepare for departure (we will tell you what you will need in Canada and what you do not need to take).
  2. We obtain visas, select and book accommodation, and arrange documents.
  3. Meet you at the airport (we will take you to your accommodation, show you where the stores, transportation, banks).
  4. We will give you a tour of the hospital of your choice, we will choose together a doctor from whom you will give birth, we will register with the pediatrician (we will take you to ultrasound, blood tests, tests).
  5. We organize courses and classes for pregnant women, as well as photo shoots, video shoots, excursions.
  6. We accompany you during labor, solve all issues with doctors (language barrier is not a problem - we will solve it too).
  7. Organize discharge from the maternity hospital, solve all issues with discharge documents and bills. Receive the birth certificate.
  8. If necessary, we will organize the selection of domestic staff, nanny, personal driver.
  9. Issue a passport to a Canadian citizen (second citizenship for a child).
  10. Seeing off. Organize departure, take you to the airport!

With Canada Mama Consulting you will have an unforgettable adventure and a lot of positive emotions about childbirth in Canada!

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