The health of our family and friends is probably the most important thing in life. Umbilical cord blood taken at birth can solve serious problems with various severe diseases. This is a unique material, which is the future and progress of the world medicine.
Over the past few years, physicians have made a major breakthrough in the development of regenerative medicine. They have learned to isolate stem cells directly from the umbilical cord tissue itself. This method increases by several thousand times the potential volume of microcells, which retain their vitality.
What is cord blood?
After the birth of the baby, the placenta and the umbilical cord vein retain residual blood. It is very important from a medical point of view, because it contains stem cells, which are used in the treatment of various diseases. They are collected immediately after delivery, and the procedure itself is absolutely safe and carries no risks for the mother and the baby.
The collected tissues are frozen and stored in a cryobank. Within 15 years, they can be successfully thawed without loss of characteristics. Nowadays, there are more than 80 diseases that can be cured in this way. Although 10-20 years ago, this was out of the question.
What is the importance of stem cells

- It is an ideal resource that is used in the restoration of nerves and muscles;
- They have the property of reproduction and self-reproduction, as well as the ability to differentiate and transform into any kind of tissue of the human body.
- It is an excellent cure for immune diseases and brain damage.
- It is the only cure for cerebral palsy and type 1 diabetes.
Such research opens up a categorically new approach to treatment. Whereas in the past many damages to vital systems were considered irreversible, today they can be "repaired" with stem cell patches. Of course, the likelihood that a baby who was born perfectly healthy will need such a transplantation in 10 years is relatively low. However, certain risks remain for him and his relatives.
Stem cell survival statistics after transplantation are as follows:
- From the child himself - 100%
- From a non-related donor - 32%;
- From a brother or sister - 75%.
Donor cells are needed for one person out of 217 and take root in 51% of cases. Doctors agree and strongly recommend cord blood from a family member for this purpose. Using your biological materials increases the chance of a familial match and graft engraftment up to 85%. That's why it's very important to save your cord blood at birth.
"Canada Mama Consulting" cooperates with two of the most progressive Canadian clinics. Here, projects are being successfully developed that make it possible to preserve the newborn's stem cells and, if necessary, to perform their transplantation. The choice of bank is always left to the parents. The most reliable organizations with extensive experience and a stable positive reputation are at your service:
- Insception Lifebank – one of the largest cryobanks in Canada. It has more than 20 years of experience, during which time its staff has collected about 72,000 tissue samples. This is the highest number in the country.
- Cells for Life is a cryobank located at Toronto Central Hospital with 24-hour security and emergency backup capacity. Distinguished by the highest level of accreditation and impeccable sampling quality.
- CReATe Cord Blood Bank — offers a full range of state-of-the-art services from a highly skilled team of real specialists.
Data collection process:
- After registration, you will be provided with an individual set, which you will definitely take with you to the hospital;
- The procedure is completely painless and will be performed by experienced professionals (gynecologist or midwife).
- Occurs with any childbirth: vaginal (natural) or caesarean section.
- After all manipulations are completed, the umbilical cord and tissues will be sent for processing and storage.
Science does not stand still. Scientists are constantly working on developing the potential of stem cells. It is quite possible that in the near future the list of ailments that can be overcome by this exceptional component will be expanded.
Check with our managers for more information about cord blood programs in clinics across Canada. We are always ready to help you make an informed decision and choose the best option.